We must allow finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.


--> Another Intersting Event Nuffnang™ <--

April 19, 2009 by Zeckster

Am browsing net this afternoon. And guess what, I found this interesting event and again by Nuffnang™. It's the Hennessy Artistry. Nuffnang™ is giving out 25 pairs of free passes to catch the live performance from Starz Angle, Caprice, and also VJ Spacebar. I currently a big fan of Caprice. His music is so cool!!! Love it alot. Wish to watch him live on stage. He's gonna rocks everyone that night. Just leave a comment and you gonna win the chance to see the world finest artist performing live. So wat'cha waiting for? Think of an unique comment and post it on Nuffnang™'s Hennessy Artistry homepage right now.


Additional: Dem Girls from Caprice
Ain't he cool?

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